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Safety First! Top Tips To Prevent Industrial Robot Hazards

Global sales of industrial robot manipulator has seen exponential growth in just a few years, among which China has been the world’s largest consumer of industrial robots since 2013, according for more than one-third of global sales.

An industrial robot can be a “cold-blooded killer”
Industrial robots are playing a vital role in the manufacturing industry and offer numerous invaluable benefits for businesses, but they are too dangerous for humans to live safely with them. Although they are extremely good at moving heavy objects at high speed, they move very mechanically without intelligence, and serious injuries or deaths will be generated if they come into contact with humans. Like any tool or piece of equipment, robots can be just as hazardous as they are useful.

Let’s see an accident! A worker entered the robot cell to retrieve an item against rules and finally was pinned to the conveyor by the robot. Another two workers on the other side of the production line planned to rescue the worker upon hearing his screams, but they passed another robot on the way within the scope of activities, so they were pressed by the robot on the conveyor. Three people were wounded by the robot in just a few seconds, which is striking and astonishing.

Through investigation, we can find that the robot cell at the accident site was an open workspace and was not provided with any protective measures. So workers can enter the scope of robot activities at will, which brings great safety hazards.

4 Steps to prevent mechanical injury accidents when operating an industrial robot
Industrial robot safety precautions are crucial to ensure everyone working with and around robots is not in danger. Tongli, a China famous-known industrial manipulator manufacturer will next offers you some core steps that all organizations should take to ensure the safety of an industrial robot.

Step 1. Safety infrastructure and mechanisms
The first thing any organization needs for effective industrial robot safety is the right infrastructure and mechanisms. These may even be included or built into the robot.

For example, many robots have an emergency stop mechanism. This could be a button, switch, or even an automated function if the robot has the right sensors. A fence or wall around the robot prevents anyone from wandering too close and potentially being injured while the robot is operating.

Step 2. Adequate safety precautions
Preparing a workplace for an industrial manipulator is a bit like child-proofing a house. Every aspect of the workplace and even little things must be considered so the right safety precautions can be taken. Try to ask yourself these questions and carefully analyze them: Is the robot in an area that will be easy for safety officers to monitor? Is the work area spacious enough for the robot?

Step 3. Safe maintenance
Regular maintenance is absolutely critical to ensure the safe operation of a robot. But accidents happen to workers during the maintenance far more than accidents happen during regular operations. Therefore, an increasing number of industrial robot manipulator manufacturers are taking steps to protect maintenance workers.

Predictive maintenance is also important for industrial robot safety, which consists of smaller and anticipatory check-ups to prevent a major breakdown. Larger issues require more intensive maintenance to repair, which is typically more dangerous than a simple tune-up.

Step 4. Safety training
Even with all of the above safety measures in place, few things can improve the safety level as well as effective training. A well-designed training program can empower workers to improve their own safety habits on a daily basis. If the workers who are working around an industrial manipulator know exactly how it functions and what safety hazards are, they are much less likely to display risky behavior. Studies have shown that the more engaging safety training is, the more effective it will be. Organizations should get workers actively involved in the training program.

To make full use of the numerous advantages and benefits brought by an industrial manipulator, proper safety preparations and training must be conducted, and only if by taking these four essential steps can the safety of the industrial manipulator be ensured.

Post time: Aug-03-2022